Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Jump Start

Now that you have completed a three day detox, let's jumptart your fall workout routine with some cardio tips. If you can commit to 45 minutes of cardio just three days per week, you will be well on your way to creating a new you.

Try this routine three days this week:
15 minutes on the seated bike @ a speed of between 80-100 rpm's on level 3.
15 minutes on the treadmill @ 3.0-3.5 mph at a level 15 incline
15 minutes on the elliptical machine keeping your heart rate between 130-150 beats per minute.

A heart rate of 130-150 will keep your body in the "fat burning" zone, and that is exactly where we want to be.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Time for a Fall Makeover!

Before you start buying new clothes and remodeling you house, lets start with a quick 3 day detox to kick it off right.

Drink 8 oz of warm water with a table spoon of sea salt mixed in. Be careful because the effects happen REALLY FAST!!!

Follow that with a diet of only raw vegetables on day 1. Day 2 allows you to steam your veggies. You can add baked skinless chicken on day 3.

I know I know, it sounds a little extreme but by day 3 you should be 5-10lbs lighter than you were at the end of the summer and ready to jump into fall with a full head of steam.

Good Luck!!